Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Oregon Health Exchange - Open Enrollment

Open Enrollment begins on November 15, 2014
Open enrollment for individuals begins on November 15, 2014 and is open until February 15, 2015.  During open enrollment individuals may buy a health insurance plan from the exchange for the first time or shop around for a different plan. 

Once purchased, the new plan can go into effect in as little as 30 days. In reviewing the website it appears that individuals shopping for private health plans will go to the CoverOregon website to make sure that they qualify for a non-employer plan.  If they do qualify they will be directed to the Federal exchange website,, to see if they qualify for a subsidy, shop for a plan and to purchase coverage. 

Monday, October 13, 2014

Veterans Day - What Employers Should Know

Employees who are veterans as defined by Oregon law and are scheduled to work on Veterans Day may ask for that day off. They must provide 21 days’ notice of their intent to take the day off and document their status as a qualifying veteran.

Upon receipt of the request, an employer must determine whether providing the time off would cause “significant economic or operational disruption,” or whether allowing time off is an “undue hardship” as described in Oregon discrimination law. If so, the employer is not required to provide the day off.

At least 14 days before Veterans Day the employer must tell the employee whether time off will be provided and whether it will be paid or unpaid.